Services We Offer
The Medical office of Dr. David Mobley stands out in our field by offering a diverse selection of services and procedures to cater to your individualized health needs. All services are performed by qualified and experienced medical professionals in order to provide peace of mind and accuracy of treatment.
Our doctors will look at your symptoms in the context of your full medical history and discuss available treatment options with you. If you have any questions regarding any of our services, please contact a member of our staff directly.
Dr. Mobley is one of only a handful of urologic surgeons in the
U.S. trained and active in HIFU therapy for prostate cancer. There
are two machines in use and Dr. Mobley is one of only a few
trained in both devices. This therapy, HIFU, an acronym for HIGH
INTENSITY FOCUSED ULTRASOUND, is used to treat prostate cancer
with a heat process delivered to the prostate without surgery. He
has been doing this treatment for some 8 years offshore, as it has
only been approved for use in the U.S. as of October, 2015.
Thousands of men have had their cancer cured with HIFU in Canada,
Latin America, Europe and Asia over the past dozen years or so. We
now can offer this therapy here at Houston Methodist West. HIFU
has many potential advantages over more traditional surgery or
radiation. HIFU has a very high cure rate with less chance of
troubling side effects more common with surgery or radiation.
There is less risk of erectile dysfunction or incontinence, and
recovery is usually very prompt. It is generally done on an
out-patient basis with the patient returning home the same day,
and back to normal activities usually very shortly thereafter. If
you are considering treatment for prostate cancer, a visit with
Dr. Mobley to discuss HIFU is probably a good idea.
Dr. Mobley was one of the first urologists in Texas to offer the
no-incision vasectomy. This minimally invasive technique was
pioneered in China and Dr. Mobley has been using this advanced
procedure since 1991. With about 8,000 vasectomies completed over
the years, we offer this to men who have all the children they
plan to have. It usually takes about 10-15 minutes, and you will
be able to leave the office and drive yourself home afterwards. If
there is a wife, we prefer to counsel you both. Some men want to
do the consultation one day, and the procedure on another.
However, in the interest of your time, if you want, both can be
done on the same day. If you have questions about insurance
coverage, we can assist you with this.
Dr. Mobley has been performing vasectomy reversals for more than
30 years. This procedure is available to men who have had a
vasectomy, but with a change in circumstances, have decided they
would like to try to have more children. The success rate is quite
high, but of course not 100%, so men need to go into this
understanding that although we can nearly always get the two ends
lined up and put back together, the desired result of sperm
production and pregnancy is not a given. This procedure is not
usually covered by insurance, but we can certainly check for you.
Having completed his residency at Baylor College of Medicine in
1977, Dr. Mobley had the pleasure of training with the late Dr.
Brantley Scott, the primary developer of the inflatable penile
implant. He has been offering this surgery to men since then with
a very high success and satisfaction rate.
Dr. Mobley was involved in the Phase 3 clinical trial in the
development of Viagra in the early 1990’s. He of course offers his
patients treatment with the many pills available for ED. Some men
need evaluation such as testosterone levels, and in some cases
further evaluation of cardiovascular health. We also offer penile
injection therapy, and vacuum constriction therapy.
Prostate cancer is the most common organ cancer in the U.S., with
some 200,000 men diagnosed every year. Many men will want to be
checked on a yearly basis to try and avoid prostate cancer getting
ahead without being diagnosed. We customize the evaluation
depending upon patient preference and wishes, age, health status,
risk factors etc. We offer an extensive array of screening tools,
as well as the common digital exam and PSA blood test. We have the
very latest techniques available with MRI scanning of the prostate
to visualize as accurately as possible, the presence of cancer in
the gland. Should cancer be found, we offer many options for
Bladder control issues come in many varieties, and our staff is
prepared to work with you to try to achieve a proper diagnosis,
and develop a treatment plan. Although more complicated than this,
the majority of incontinent patients fall in one of three
categories; stress incontinence-having nothing to do with
stress-where the patient, more often female, loses bladder control
with exercise, cough, or sneeze. Urge incontinence-this is the
inability to stop urine flow once the urge to void presents
itself. And finally, post-prostatectomy incontinence; this speaks
for itself-some 15% of men who undergo surgery for prostate cancer
will have problems with a leaking bladder. We offer evaluation and
treatment for all types of incontinence, and although not every
patient can be helped, the majority will be able to have a
substantial improvement in quality of life with evaluation and
Kidney stones are very common in southeast Texas. Maybe it is our
heat and humidity, maybe it is water, diet, dehydration with
outdoor activities, but whatever the underlying causes, it is the
kind of condition we see almost daily in our practice. Not every
person with a kidney stone will need treatment, but when stones
become obstructing, treatment will be needed unless the stone
passes on its own. We offer a full plate of options for evaluation
and treatment including medical, surgical and dietary. Couple tips
if you are a stone-former; usually it’s a good idea to consume
more water, watch the salt in your diet, and watch red meat
consumption. Lemon such as lemonade may be beneficial also. For
patients needing treatment, Dr. Mobley offers the shock wave
treatment-ESWL, which he has been doing since 1986, as well as
ureteroscopy, LASER, for stones that may require a little more
intense therapy.
Blood in the urine (hematuria) is generally not normal, and in
most cases requires evaluation especially to rule out cancers
within the urinary system, especially in the kidney or bladder.
Fortunately, in the majority of patients, blood in the urine is
NOT due to cancer, but these issues are high on our list of
“worries” when we see a patient with this problem. Often times the
evaluation is quite straightforward and can consist of X-Rays, and
sometimes a look in the bladder, cystoscopy, which can usually be
done here in our clinic. Our practice offers a full array of
options should cancer be found on evaluation.
BPH-Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia:
Enlargement of the prostate gland, a normal part of aging in men,
is probably the most common reason men seek a visit with a
urologist. “They” say that if you live long enough, you will have
prostate issues. As the prostate grows, very slowly each year, it
can eventually impair bladder function. The results can include
slow urinary stream, frequent urination, getting up at night to
void, straining to void, failure to empty the bladder along with a
few other symptoms. There can also be a negative change in sexual
function. We offer appropriate tools for evaluation, and it is
usually pretty straightforward, and the full evaluation can
ordinarily be completed in our clinic. Treatment is customized to
patient needs, and ranges from medication to surgery, and
sometimes a combination of both. Most men can be helped and
greatly improve their quality of life through appropriate
evaluation and therapy.